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    New Zealand's leader in

    Waterless Composting Toilets

    Discover our huge range of residential, commercial & industrial sustainable toilet solutions for both rural and urban locations

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    Waterless Composting Toilets NZ Limited

    Welcome to the Home of Waterless Composting Toilets New Zealand

    At WCTNZ®, we are committed to providing eco-minded customers with the best possible environmental toilet systems to suit their needs.

    Whether you're a large-scale project manager or a small, motivated homeowner, we have the solutions you need to achieve your sustainable goals.

    Our team of experts is dedicated to helping you find the right toilet system for your unique situation, so you can start making a positive impact on the environment today.

    Browse our selection of waterless composting toilets and accessories to find the perfect fit for you.

    How Do Waterless Toilets Work?

    Composting toilets provide a hygienic, odour-free, and waterless solution for waste management. Whether you’re looking for an off-grid setup, a low-maintenance option for a secondary dwelling, or an eco-conscious alternative to traditional wastewater systems, this guide will help you understand how composting toilet systems work and which one is right for you.

    Composting Toilet System Guide

    We've got a Waterless Composting Toilet for every situation

    Off-grid or on-grid. From the city to the country, Tiny House to a large apartment building there is a composting toilet option for you.

    Help me choose

    Tell us about your situation and we'll help you chose the right system every time.