Want to install a composting toilet upstairs or in a basement? You can!
Although typically composting toilets are placed on the ground floor, they can be installed on other levels, too. The best solution for installation below/above the ground floor is a self-contained zero leachate system as it is easy to install and requires no drainage. Plug and play, zero leachate models tick all the boxes! Other composting toilets can be installed with the right set up, but this can involve a fair bit of work.
Here are your options:
Plug-and-play Multistory (any floor including basements)
Plug-and-play toilets typically come without a leachate pipe, lending to a quick and easy installation process. Zero leachate offers advantage to installation locations both upstairs, without renovation, and in the basement, without discharge pumps.
Self-contained zero leachate systems
Self-contained zero leachate models are perfect for placement on all levels of the house. Such toilets require no sub-floor space for housing composting chambers as the composting chamber sits inside the pedestal itself. They also require no leachate drain (soak-away) as they use heat to evaporate excess liquids. Such toilets are easy to install as they require no major structural modifications or earthworks for drainage. However, due to the heating elements, they do require more power than non-heating composting toilets, and this should ideally be mains power to ensure constant evaporation.
See product as example:
- ecoLet™ 25e (3 people full time)
- ecoLet™ 65e (4 people full time)
Urine diversion to container systems
Urine diversion to container requires no drainage and can be a good solution for basement/upstairs toileting as long as you can dispose of the collected urine appropriately. Such systems have a composting chamber and a urine container located inside the pedestal. The composting chamber collects solids, while urine is diverted to the container for collection.
See product as example:
Bucket systems
All in one bucket systems are an easy, tried and true toileting solution. These systems see both poos and pees go into one composting chamber, topped up with cover material. Easily installed, bucket systems have no leachate drain or vent stack and can thus be placed on any level of the house. Due to non-ventilation, passive room ventilation is beneficial, as it is with flushing toilets. This is typically done with a room extractor or outside window.
See product as example:
Plumbed in Multistory (ground floor and up)
Systems with urine or leachate drainage can be plumbed in to the wall for installation on the second floor and above. This involves a bit of extra plumbing, and requires the urine/leachate drain to be vented. While this is fairly easy to do on new builds, keep in mind that as a retrospective job this can be expensive.
Micro flush split systems (plumbed in)
Micro flush split systems can be installed on the second floor and above, as long as they are properly plumbed in. These systems see a pedestal sit in the bathroom, connected by pipe to a composting chamber that sits underneath. Waste is transferred to the composting chamber via micro flush. This means that you can have the composting chamber sit on the ground floor or sub-floor and have it plugged in multistory. We have heated and non-heated models of these toilets. The heated models require more power, which should ideally be mains connected.
See product as example:
- Sun-Mar™ Centrex 2000 NE (non-electric) - M/F (micro flush)
- Sun-Mar™ Centrex 3000 NE (non-electric) - M/F (micro flush)
- Sun-Mar™ Centrex 2000 M/F (micro flush)
- Sun-Mar™ Centrex 3000 M/F (micro flush)
Systems with Liquid Discharge (Urine Diversion or leachate drainage)
Systems with urine or leachate drainage can be plumbed in to the wall and placed on the second storey and above. This kind of installation involves additional plumbing and venting of the drain. If you would like advice on how to do this, custom design services can be provided by WCTNZ®
See product as example:
- Nature Loo™ NL2
- Clivus Multrum™ CM2
- ecoLet™ Separera 30
- ecoLet™ Separera Mini - Urine Extraction (UD-S)
Need help choosing a system? Call WCTNZ® on 0800 022 027 for free advice on system specification and setup. Advanced design consultancy services are also available.
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