Clivus Multrum™ | CM14 Next-Gen Package
The CM14 is a luxury, low-profile composting toilet designed for large families and commercial use, offering effective, trouble-free composting.
Choose the Product options below
*Please select the primary pedestal (toilet fixture) option you would like to accompany your composting system.
Note; that the Urine-Diversion (UD) pedestal option is most suitable where there is high use in peek or large family gatherings.
Note; that with Urine Diversion, it is recommended that the compost mass is kept wet to avoid the pile drying out. Consider getting the hand-held bidet sprayer accessory for facilitating the hydration of compost.
Please select the second pedestal (toilet fixture) option you would like to accompany your composting system. Optional (Leave NIL if you would only purchase a single pedestal for this system).
A hardwearing Nano-Ceramic Non-Stick Coating is applied onto the inner side of the Pedestal (toilet fixture) for maximum cleanliness.
Note; basic cleaning will still be required.
Note; non-stick is hydrophobic and repels liquids only.
Use two fans if connecting two or more pedestals (toilet fixtures) to one CM tank.
Dual fan installation options:
Series - single vent stack with two fan units installed in-line
Parallel - dual vent stack with one fan unit per vent stack (recommended)
*Choose the fan voltage to match your power system. (Add additional fan units for replacement parts).
All ELV (Extra Low Voltage) (12v-48V) are suitable for Off-grid power systems.
Note: if more than two pedestals are connected to one CM tank, fan unit wattage must be higher than 5w.
*This system comes with vent materials for a 4m vent stack. You may need additional vent materials depending on how many storeys your building has.
In residential applications, a vertical vent must extend 0.6m above the roofline - this is a code requirement.
Single Storey buildings with a high-profile roof (A frame or mono-pitch) require extra lengths of vent pipe - add one 800mm Vent Pipe Extension per vent stack.
If you have selected the Parallel Dual Fan (Dual Vent Stack) option above, please select 2 x 800mm Vent Pipe Extensions.
Double Storey buildings require extra lengths of vent pipe. Please add 4 x 1m Vent Pipe Extensions per vent stack.
If you have selected the Parallel Dual Fan (Dual Vent Stack) option above, please select 8 x 1m Vent Pipe Extensions.
Double Storey building with a high-profile roof (A frame or mono-pitch) require extra lengths of vent pipe - add one 800mm Vent Pipe Extension.
If you have selected the Parallel Dual Fan (Dual Vent Stack) option above, please select 2 x 800mm Vent Pipe Extensions.
Kit for stepping the vent stack around the eaves of the roof. Allows you to avoid penetrating the roof.
If you have selected the Parallel Dual Fan (Dual Vent Stack) option above, please select 2 x Vent Stack Eaves Step Kits.
Add a wind-driven vent to create redundancy. The wind-driven vent will assist the fan under heavy wind conditions and keep the system going in case of power outage or fan failure.
Please choose from 2 colours: white or black.
If you have selected the Parallel Dual Fan (Dual Vent Stack) option above, please select 2 x Wind-Driven Vents.
Select this reducing collar to adapt the wind-driven vent from 150mm to 100mm.
If you have selected the Parallel Dual Fan (Dual Vent Stack) option above and 2 x Wind-Driven Vents, please select 2 x 100mm Adaptors.
Select this reducing collar to adapt the wind-driven vent from 150mm to 100mm.
If you have selected the Parallel Dual Fan (Dual Vent Stack) option above and 2 x Wind-Driven Vents, please select 2 x 100mm Adaptors.
Availability: Out of stock - on backorder and will be dispatched once in stock (Special Order | (3-4 months, Estimated Time of Arrival(ETA))).
Old price: $778.26 excl GST
$8,999.86 excl GST
excluding shipping
Dispatch; Transport Time Frames: Assembled to your specifications / 4 to 6 Weeks Estimated Time of Arrival