Design evolution is a beautiful thing. Facilitated by learned experience, products evolve and become more effective as various design aspects are tweaked over time to improve performance. Today, we're looking at the evolution of the split batching system, and all the features that make the 2nd generation systems superior to the 1st.
As the design evolved, not only did the systems become more user-friendly and comfortable to use, but engineers were able to work out ways to improve composting efficiency.
So, let's take a look at all the upgrades to date!
Double-walled chambers
One of the main improvements on the original design of the split batching systems is their double-walled chambers. Unlike the flimsy chambers of the 1st generation, 2nd generation composting chambers are sturdy and robust.
Not only does this make them easier to handle as they don't buckle out of shape, but the double-walls also serve a significant function - they increase thermal heat retention. Increased heat retention facilitates the right composting environment, making materials break down faster. It also prevents overnight thermal freeze in cold temperatures.
The tanks have a 10 year warranty, and this is backed up by design - plastic stability is maintained with structure.
Improved Aeration
While the 1st generation of these systems only had a false bottom with perforated holes in the base of the chamber to drain excess liquids, the 2nd generation features holes all around the inner wall of the chambers (at the base AND around the sides).
In combination with a high performance fan, these strategically placed holes allow for aeration of the compost pile in its entirety, which accelerates composting.
The same holes and increased aeration also increase evaporation of liquids, preventing the "wet feet" effect in which the bottom of the compost pile drowns in leachate. Increased aeration mitigates this as the compost is vented not only from the top, as it was in the 1st generation design, but from all angles - the head, the base, and the sides.
Detachable Wheels
The 1st generation designs came without wheels... In retrospect, this simply seems unacceptable! As the chambers were re-designed, detachable wheels were added for more user-friendliness. 2nd generation chambers are easy to slide out for removal, and can simply be dragged around your site - no more lifting or carrying! And when the compost is ready to be buried, simply tip the chambers over into the disposal site like a wheelbarrow!
Rotomoulded Handles
Unlike the flimsy, thin, metal handles of the 1st generation, the 2nd generation features sturdy handles rotomoulded into the chamber. These won't break off and they are extremely comfortable to hold when handling the chamber. They don't hurt your hands!
Clivus Multrum BONUSES
As the premium brand of composting toilets, Clivus Multrum systems come with an important extra feature - a mixing mechanism in the composting chambers.
The mixing mechanism greatly increases the system's capacity. It accelerates composting by spreading composting bacteria throughout the pile. It also levels out the compost mass, allowing you to utilize all corners of the chamber. Compost piles in systems without mixing mechanisms tend to build up in a cone. This is because materials are deposited down the chute into the centre of the chamber. The cone effect can reduce usable space by up to 40%, so the mixing mechanism greatly increases capacity and lowers maintenance.
Clivus Multrum CM HP Heating Option
And, if you're in a cold climate and want to ensure effective composting throughout the year, the Clivus Multrum CM HP composting chambers can be equipped with heating elements. This means composting won't slow down in the colder months!
VIDEO: 1st Gen vs 2nd Gen
Check out this video from our manufacturer, walking through all the 2nd Gen features:
And what advancements does the future hold? Well, wait and see! In the meantime check out our 2nd Gen Split Batching Systems, available in both the Clivus Multrum and the Nature Loo brands:
Low Profile Systems (min 450mm sub-floor clearance)
High Profile Systems (min 750mm sub-floor clearance)
Need help choosing a system? Call WCTNZ® on 0800 022 027 for free advice on system specification and setup. Advanced design consultancy services are also available.
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