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    SKU: K-STK ex ped
    Each Kazuba™ STK system is designed to handle over 30 uses per day, offering a waterless, eco-friendly solution that thrives on the power of the sun and wind.
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    Kazuba™ | STK System


    The best performing Desiccating Dry Toilet System on the market

    Features aerodynamic ventilation curve for maximum airflow

    Each Kazuba™ STK system is designed to handle over 30 uses per day, offering a waterless, eco-friendly solution that thrives on the power of the sun and wind. The system evaporates all liquids and dehydrates solid waste into a safe, inert material, which can be easily disposed of on or off-site.

    Whether in cold or warm climates, the Kazuba™ performs reliably as long as it’s placed in an open space with access to sunlight and wind. With its odourless operation and zero discharge, it can be positioned in places where traditional septic systems can’t go—such as near sensitive waterways—making it the perfect sustainable solution for a wide range of locations.

    • Solar and wind powered
    • Evaporates urine
    • Dehydrates solids, reducing their volume by up to 90%
    • Quick and easy to assemble and install
    • Simple to maintain

    Please contact our customer service team so we can help you plan your project.

    Like all drying toilets, the Kazuba™ STK system's capacity and performance are climate dependent - please talk to us about this system's performance for your site and location.

    Increased capacity options are available to boost performance.

     Certificate of Accreditation by SAI GLOBAL
    All Product short copy and long copy is the property of Waterless Composting Toilets NZ Limited. Copyright © 2023 WCTNZ® | Waterless Composting Toilets NZ. All rights reserved.