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    WCTNZ® TOOLS | Composting Toilet Washing Wand (Bidet Style)

    The washing wand is a bidet style accessory for split system composting toilets, used to wash down the pedestal during cleaning and/or to hydrate the compost mass.

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    Old price: $55.00 excl GST
    $50.88 excl GST
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    WCTNZ® Composting Toilet Washing Wand

    The washing wand is the perfect accessory for all Clivus Multrum™ split systems, all Nature Loo™ split systems and Sun-Mar™ Centrex A/F systems.

    Resembling a bidet, this washing wand features dual valve body taps, a flexi-coil hose and a powerful spray head that is fully removable and easy to clean, providing a powerful toilet cleaning experience!

    Key Maintenance Tool: use to wash down the composting toilet pedestal as part of your cleaning routine or to hydrate the compost mass if it needs moisture.


    Material: Brass Valve body, Gun body ABS and Flex PVC hose
    Colour Range: Black, Gunmetal or Chrome
    Gun Body Length: 145mm
    Hose Length: 1m coil (Approx.)
    Main Body Size: 70mm x 70mm (Approx.)
    Installation Method: Wall-Mounted (Female 15mm BSP wingback/flush)
    Water Pressure: 0.05-0.8MPa (7.5psi min to 116psi max)
    Inlet: 15mm BSP Male


    All Product short copy and long copy is the property of Waterless Composting Toilets NZ Limited. Copyright © 2023 WCTNZ® | Waterless Composting Toilets NZ. All rights reserved.

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