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    SKU: CM-08PAC
    The CM8 Next-Gen is a high-capacity, luxury composting toilet with an effective sloping chamber design, perfect for families or light commercial use.

    Choose the Product options below


    Please select the primary pedestal (toilet fixture) option you would like to accompany your composting system.

    Note; that the Urine-Diversion (UD) pedestal option is most suitable where there is high use in peek or large family gatherings.

    Note; that with Urine Diversion, it is recommended that the compost mass is kept wet to avoid the pile drying out. Consider getting the hand-held bidet sprayer accessory for facilitating the hydration of compost.

    A hardwearing Nano-Ceramic Non-Stick Coating is applied onto the inner side of the Pedestal (toilet fixture) for maximum cleanliness.

    Note; basic cleaning will still be required.

    Note; non-stick is hydrophobic and repels liquids only.


    Choose the fan voltage to match your power system. (Add additional fan units for replacement parts).

    All ELV (Extra Low Voltage) (12v-48V) are suitable for Off-grid power systems.


    You may need additional vent materials depending on how many storeys your building has.

    Single Storey buildings with a high-profile roof (A frame or mono-pitch) require extra lengths of vent pipe - add one 800mm Vent Pipe Extension

    Double Storey buildings require extra lengths of vent pipe. Please add 4 x 1m Vent Pipe Extensions.

    Double Storey building with a high-profile roof (A frame or mono-pitch) require extra lengths of vent pipe - add one 800mm Vent Pipe Extension

    Kit for stepping the vent stack around the eaves of the roof. Allows you to avoid penetrating the roof.

    Add a wind-driven vent to create redundancy. The wind-driven vent will assist the fan under heavy wind conditions and keep the system going in case of power outage or fan failure.
    Please choose from 2 colours: white or black.

    Select this reducing collar to adapt the wind-driven vent from 150mm to 100mm.

    Select this reducing collar to adapt the wind-driven vent from 150mm to 100mm.

    Availability: 1 in stock
    $6,656.52 excl GST
    excluding shipping
    Dispatch; Transport Time Frames: 1 Week Estimated Time of Freight (Nationwide-Transport)
    i h

     AVAILABILITY: Limited stock available. Secure yours now. 

    Clivus Multrum Logo

    If you're looking for a composting toilet solution that is perfect for a small family home, then look no further than the CM8 Next-Gen

    The CM8 Next-Gen is designed to be used by 5 people full-time or up to 10 people part-time (intermittent use). These systems are made from high-quality materials and are built to stand the test of time

    All the Clivus Multrum™ Systems from the 8 to the 40 come with high-quality pedestals, which means it’s designed to look great in your bathroom while also being completely functional

    The CM8 is most popular for use in small homes, holiday houses, on walking trails and remote workstations

    CM8 NextGen is certified to the Australian & New Zealand Standard 1546.2 and has been approved in all regions

    The products are approved only if installed as per the installation manual




    The newest and smartest design in the composting toilet market

    "Next-Gen is the evolution from years of development and historical data bring together the new design values that achieve a superior Composting Toilet system unmatch by older designs"


    What’s new? | Benefits

    • Over 30% of the composting volume increased, plus 1300mm underfloor clearance was reduced. (830mm required)
    • Set and forget - minimal maintenance
    • The new design with the leachate storage feature, resulting in reducing the likelihood of blockage of the drainage system.
    • Perfect solution for container holiday homes.
    • More slopes in the design mean higher composting.

    CM8 NEXT-GEN | Fully Certified

    The CM8 is certified to Australian & New Zealand Standard 1546.2:2008 and is approved in all states (The products are approved only if installed as per the installation manual).


    CM8 NEXT-GEN | Unique Installation Capablilties

    • Structural inground certified tank
    • Low Profile with only 830mm clearance under the floor required

    With lower underfloor clearance, CM8 next generation can be installed at sites like

    • Sustainable off-grid living residences
    • Small homes
    • Holiday houses
    • Walking trails
    • Tiny houses
    • Remote work stations

    Package Details

    A CM8 Next-Gen Package comes with EVERYTHING you need:

    • Fully assembled composting tank
    • Porcelain pedestal and soft close seat
    • Pedestal waste chute (550mm) and dektite
    • 100mm ventilation and drain kit
    • Installation kit and maintenance tool
    • Starter pack
    • Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual

    Note: Nature Quick Microbes are not available in NZ

    All Product short copy and long copy is the property of Waterless Composting Toilets NZ Limited. Copyright © 2023 WCTNZ® | Waterless Composting Toilets NZ. All rights reserved.