Clivus Multrum™ | CM8 Next-Gen (Package)
The CM8 Next-Gen is a high-capacity, luxury composting toilet with an effective sloping chamber design, perfect for families or light commercial use.
Choose the Product options below
*Please select the primary pedestal (toilet fixture) option you would like to accompany your composting system.
Note; that the Urine-Diversion (UD) pedestal option is most suitable where there is high use in peek or large family gatherings.
Note; that with Urine Diversion, it is recommended that the compost mass is kept wet to avoid the pile drying out. Consider getting the hand-held bidet sprayer accessory for facilitating the hydration of compost.
A hardwearing Nano-Ceramic Non-Stick Coating is applied onto the inner side of the Pedestal (toilet fixture) for maximum cleanliness.
Note; basic cleaning will still be required.
Note; non-stick is hydrophobic and repels liquids only.
*Choose the fan voltage to match your power system. (Add additional fan units for replacement parts).
All ELV (Extra Low Voltage) (12v-48V) are suitable for Off-grid power systems.
*You may need additional vent materials depending on how many storeys your building has.
Single Storey buildings with a high-profile roof (A frame or mono-pitch) require extra lengths of vent pipe - add one 800mm Vent Pipe Extension
Double Storey buildings require extra lengths of vent pipe. Please add 4 x 1m Vent Pipe Extensions.
Double Storey building with a high-profile roof (A frame or mono-pitch) require extra lengths of vent pipe - add one 800mm Vent Pipe Extension
Kit for stepping the vent stack around the eaves of the roof. Allows you to avoid penetrating the roof.
Add a wind-driven vent to create redundancy. The wind-driven vent will assist the fan under heavy wind conditions and keep the system going in case of power outage or fan failure.
Please choose from 2 colours: white or black.
Select this reducing collar to adapt the wind-driven vent from 150mm to 100mm.
Select this reducing collar to adapt the wind-driven vent from 150mm to 100mm.
$6,656.52 excl GST
excluding shipping
Dispatch; Transport Time Frames: 1 Week Estimated Time of Freight (Nationwide-Transport)