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EcoLet™ | Separera Mini - Urine Container (UD-C)

Manufacturer: EcoLet™
SKU: M-SepareraMini-UD-C
The Separera Mini from EcoLet™ is a dry toilet, with a small and compact design. The shiny, porcelain look combined with the sturdy toilet seat and lid, gives this loo an appearance that will fit into any style of bathroom (without the actual weight of the porcelain).

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This Installation Kit is required to achieve a safe and watertight vertical vent to properly expel air from the Separera Mini to an above-roof position.

In residential applications a vertical vent 0.6m above the roofline is a code-compliant criteria for sources of foul odour.

In applications of mobile vehicles (boats/RVs) the vertical vent is not a code requirement.

This Wall Connection Kit is required to achieve a stable mounting to the wall to prevent movement.  It is a recommended Kit for the Installation Kit 

Add a wind-driven vent to create redundancy. The wind-driven vent will assist the fan under heavy wind conditions and keep the system going in case of power outage or fan failure.
Please choose from 2 colours: white or black.

Availability: 3 in stock
$1,799.08 excl GST
excluding shipping
Dispatch; Transport Time Frames: 2-3 working days
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EcoLet™ | Separera Mini -  Urine Container (UD-C)

The Separera Mini from EcoLet™ is a dry toilet, with a small and compact design. The shiny, porcelain look combined with the sturdy toilet seat and lid, gives this loo an appearance that will fit into any style of bathroom (without the actual weight of the porcelain).

The EcoLet™ Separera Mini is a perfect choice for motor homes, RVs, caravans, boats, tiny houses, and many other unique situations that require urine diversion.

This is a small batch system that comes with two interchangeable 15L solids chambers. These can be swapped out and emptied as required. If you’re interested in composting this waste into a nutrient-rich resource, we recommend emptying these chambers into an external composting chamber.

Please dispose of waste safely and responsibly.

Urine Container: (UD-C - Urine Diversion Type)

This model contains urine separately in a collection tank under the urinal (containment). The collection tank has a liquid sensor which glows green when the container is in place and ready for use, and changes to red when the container is full and requires emptying or if the container is not inserted.

This collection tank can be kept onboard a moving vehicle or in stationary use until the time of disposal. The urine can be disposed of in the following ways: down an onsite toilet or gully trap connected to a septic tank or sewerage system, through a filtration system (dedicated or Approved Greywater system), composted in a rich composting bed, or dumped at the local dump station. 


  • Waterless dry toilet
  • Small and compact
  • 2 x 15L solid collection chambers
  • Urine collection tank (Containment)
  • Liquid sensor which indicates when the urine container is full
  • Odourless
  • Chamber screen
  • Sturdy toilet seat and lid
  • High-gloss ABS plastic - non-porous, easy-to-clean surface
  • Deep, ergonomic urinal prevents back-splash and over-flow

Complementary Consumables

The EcoLet™ Separera Mini comes with complimentary consumables:

  • 25 compostable bags
  • 135ml Nature Flush Enzymes & spray bottle


EcoLet™ | Separera Mini - Urine Container (UD-C) is great for

  • Small families*
  • Holiday homes
  • Sheds
  • Granny flats
  • Sleepouts
  • Backup toilet system**


Benefits of this composting toilet system

  • No smell through the effective "Cover It Up" composting
  • UD-C - Urine Diversion to collection tank (Containment) where disposal can be done into an on-site toilet or Approved Greywater systems - protecting groundwaters and sensitive areas.
  • Saves water every time you don't flush!
  • Recycles nutrients back into nature


*Full-Time Use

The EcoLet™ | Separera Mini - Urine Container (UD-C) is a very tidy composting toilet system that safely & simply manages your waste making it a robust solution for small families and couples.

With your EcoLet™ system, it is not only simple to install and operate, but it will also save you time and money all the while improving the environment. Now that’s something you can be proud of!


**Backup Toilet System

The EcoLet™ | Separera Mini - Urine Container (UD-C) is a perfect solution for cost-effective waste treatment as a backup system for water shortages or outages in times of disaster or drought.

Features like Urine Containment (UD-C - Urine Diversion Type) make the EcoLet™ Separera Mini well-suited for rural or semi-rural areas with room to discharge or where a containment tank can be used for dumping later at your local dump station. With odourless operation and safe composting, you and your neighbours will be pleased.

EcoLet™ Separera Mini is a great backup toilet, and you can do your part in saving water wisely when in need.


  • Do not expose the ecoLet to full UV light
  • Nature Quick Microbes are not available in NZ


All Product short copy and long copy is the property of Waterless Composting Toilets NZ Limited. Copyright © 2023 WCTNZ® | Waterless Composting Toilets NZ. All rights reserved.

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